"Unix Man" (Nowhere man / Beatles)

Ein Sahnestück über Akteure der Mutter aller Betriebssysteme,

  • die einen Befehl für "copy and convert" mit dd abkürzen,
    weil cc schon für den "C compiler" vergeben ist
  • und die für den "disk and execution monitor"
    eines der schönsten Akronyme schufen: daemon.
  • He's a real UNIX Man,
    sitting in his UNIX LAN,
    making all his UNIX .plans
    For nobody.
    Knows the blocksize from du(1),
    cares not where /dev/null goes to
    Isn't he a bit like you
    and me?
    UNIX Man, please listen(2)
    My lpd(8) is missin'
    UNIX Man
    The wo-o-o-orld is at(1) your command.
    He's as wise as he can be.
    Uses lex and yacc and C.
    UNIX Man, can you help me
    at all?
    UNIX Man, don't worry
    Test with time(1), don't hurry
    UNIX Man
    The new kernel boots, just like you had planned.
    He's a real UNIX Man
    Sitting in his UNIX LAN
    Making all his UNIX .plans
    For nobody ...
    Making all his UNIX .plans
    For nobody.

    (Quelle: unbekannt, gesehen bei www.theofel.de)

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