Die Dokumentationsdatei sinkrate.txt ist in englischer Sprache geschrieben.
sinkrate V 2.0.1 (C): 2007 by Thomas Breitenbücher web: www.breitenbuecher.de eMail: thomas(at)breitenbuecher.de A small handy tool for calculating several items of climbing or descending with air planes (in simulations:) Editable calculation is done for distance, height, speed and sinkrate. Also sinkrate in degrees and time are calculated. The data of different planes can be stored in the ini-textfile. You can switch between those planes and departure- or approach-mode seeing useful informations. The programm is written in Visual Basic and runs under Win32-Environment. Therefor the library-file msvbvm60.dll is needed, which may exist in your system-directories. Ohterwise you need to search for an internet download. The file must be reacheable from the point of sinkrate.exe. THE FILES: The application contains of 3 files: sinkrate.exe, sinkrate.ini and sinkrate.txt. Copy the files to a place you want to and create a link to sinkrate.exe. Cut the created link out and put it in a nice place like your desktop. USAGE OF APPLICATION: Click one of the option-fields of the parameter you want to be calculated. Edit one of the other field-values; calculating will be processed instantly. Right of the sinkrate-field a scrollbar allows fast adjusting for special sinkrate-degree-values. When no default-plane is given, the program comes up in a narrow mode with default-values. Individual window-positions are remembered. Clicking the Pushbutton expands or collapses the application window. A combobox allows selection of stored planes. Values and information are set according to the selected plane. The pushbutton on the right sets the selected plane as default plane. Three pushbuttons allow editing the inifile, showing the copyright and this infotext. The information-data can be switched between departure- and approach-mode. THE INI-FILE: sinkrate.ini offers editing label- and information-data in your own language as well as setting up different airplanes. In the [COMMON]-section default-values can be set, which will be overwritten when a default-plane is given. For each plane you can set own default-values and special information for departure or approach. Special is the velocity-value DefaultVelocity, which can be replaced with DefaultVelocityDeparture and DefaultVelocityApproach. New planes can be seen after restarting the application.